Need a Speaker?
Are you looking for a speaker for your next women’s event, workshop, small group or retreat? I would love to consider speaking at your event for free. (If you are more than 60 miles from Dayton, Ohio I may need help with travel expenses.)
Below I’ve listed topics I love to discuss, but I will gladly consider any theme you have set for the gathering. Email me at and let’s start talking about whether I’d be the right fit for your needs. You can also read more of my story and ministry purpose here.
Finding Myself in the Mayhem of My Mundane
Exhausted. Worn. Unknown. Defeated. Can you relate? Have you ever felt your identity slipping into an abyss of dirty dishes, stained laundry, screaming kids, and snotty noses? I’ve been there. I am there now.
The Bible is full of women and mom’s for us to learn from. From them we learn our calling as a mother is just that . . . a divine calling. When we find common ground in our daily efforts, we’re encouraged to pursue our calling. Our enemy seeks to distort our identity, overwhelm our souls, and exhaust our bodies. Learning to find ourselves in the mayhem of our mundane leads us straight into the arms of Jesus where we will always find unending joy and unbreakable peace.
A woman obediently stepping from the shadows of a messy, mundane, and seemingly trivial life into the glory that awaits her as a mother living in the embrace of Jesus . . . nothing can stop her! Something changes. She changes. She moves from a stressed out mom just trying to make it through each day, to a woman on fire with the love and anointing of Christ Himself. From that day forward, everything looks different.
Putting Christ in our Kids Christmas
Since having kids it has been increasingly difficult to rein in the “holiday” chaos. Presents, lights, parties, decorations, hosting family, and all the “plastic stuff” we need to spend an entire paycheck on can get out of control in the blink of an eye.
- How do I teach my children the true meaning of Christmas in a world that calls it a Holiday?
- How do I keep all the fun and point them to our Savior at the same time?
- Is it possible to connect Baby Jesus, Santa, and even that naughty Elf?
I would love to share our story of how teaching Elfie a little grace and exploring the life of Jesus through scripture and easy crafts took our Christmas from us-centered to Kingdom-minded. I set out on this journey to help my kids be more focused on Christ this Christmas season. By December 25th I realized how much I needed to hear the words I read and spoke to them.
This topic goes along with my mommy devotional book titled A Gospel Christmas and provides practical and easy ways to change the way your family experiences Christmas.
A Heart Issue
Have you had a heart check-up lately? I don’t mean the one at the cardiologist. Let’s take a close look at the condition of our heart together. What type of soil has God’s seeds been planted in? Are you easily offended? Do you struggle to implement God’s Word into your daily life? Bitterness and un-forgiveness can eat away at our souls faster than we realize. It seeps into every crevasse of our world. Together we look at 4 types of conditions our hearts can be in and how to make sure we are spiritually a healthy place for Christ to reside.
Time to Grow
No matter where you stand in your Christian walk, did you know God is still calling you? He is calling you to step up into the next high place with Him. That looks different for each of us. It’s time to hear His voice and respond to our King. Both new Christians and those who have walked with God for 50 years are challenged to step it up in their relationship with God.
Guarding our Home
What is our responsibility as moms? Is it more than just wiping bottoms and cleaning up messes? Yes! God has entrusted us with His remarkable treasures that we call our children. They are His you know? One day we will answer to God for how we cared for those He entrusted us with. What will your answer be? How do we keep the enemy away from our children in a world that wants to smother them? How can we make our home a safe place for them to be?
Living in the Tiny Moments
Oh the life of a mom! It is pretty wild and hectic right? We blink and a year has passed. Time is flying right by us. Learning to live in those tiny moments of life can bring such joy and peace to our hearts. There is so much goodness all around us. We must become observers of the life all around us. Slowing down enough to hear God’s voice and pausing long enough to see the amazement in our children’s eyes.
Do you feel like the world around us is shaky ground? Feel like life is spinning out of control? The truth is, it is. As Christians we are to be deeply rooted in Christ so we can stand firmly when things around us start to crumble. But being grounded doesn’t just happen over night. It is a commitment and a process of growing in sanctification with God. Spending time in His Word, developing a spiritual community, and living a life of prayer help us to plant ourselves in the firm foundation of Christ.
Light in the Darkness
We are called to shine God’s love in the darkness of the world around us. Light in our homes, our workplaces, and most importantly light within our own hearts. Learn how to boldly stand in the light God shines down for us in all circumstances.
The Gospel 101
How to share the Gospel with those around us. Simple, practical, and relevant ways to point your friends, family, and community to Christ. We are God’s plan to reach the lost with the love of Jesus Christ. Learn how to present the true gospel in a way that will effectively communicate to those around you.
Launching your Ministry
Are you starting a ministry? A blog? Writing or speaking plan? Learn some of the must-have steps in getting things off the ground. Topics include social media, helpful resources, becoming an expert in your field, networking with others, building a platform that will last, building an email list, and more.