Being a military wife and having three wild little boys, where do you find the time to write?
I get asked this question all the time and it just makes me laugh. Honestly, I don’t know. I write a few minutes here and there throughout the days, during nap time, and mostly the wee hours of the morning. I believe most of what I write about is something God has laid on my heart. As long as I am listening to Him and following His path, He will always provide the time for what I need.
How do you manage the boys being so close together in age?
When we moved from having two boys into being outnumbered by three boys a lot changed. The last couple years have been years where God has been shaping and chiseling away at me to bring me closer to Him. One of the things He has taught me is that I can not do everything. If I spend my 24 hours cleaning and cooking, my children will feel neglected and so will my ministry. If I devote all my time absorbed in my children or my ministry, the something else suffers. There has to be a balance. That balance looks different for everyone. For me, it means if you come to our home you will find a very lived in house. That means, beds probably are not made, toys are strewn around, and there is more than likely some poptart crumbs in the couch. It’s real. Would I love to have a spotless house? Yes. But having children that know they are loved because mommy plays checkers with them in the floor and cuddles with them at movie time is way more important in the big picture.
When is A Gospel Christmas going to hit the shelves?
The book should be available pretty much everywhere sometime in May 2016!
Do you have plans to write more?
Yes! I am working on my second book. It will be a non-fiction book on our very important calling as a mom. It should be out sometime in 2017.
How can I help or be a part of your ministry?
As this ministry grows there are so many ways you can help! The biggest way is to pray. Pray that the words reach the people which need to read them the most. There are also a ton of things going on and I am always looking for more friends to join on the journey. Shoot me an email if you want to know more.