My name is Jennifer Moye and I am an author, military wife, and mother of three amazing little boys. Life is full of excitement and something new each day it seems. I have been blessed beyond all measure by our Heavenly Father and this page is my way of trying to reach and encourage others in His love. I struggle each day with being a good mom, wife, friend, and christian…don’t we all? I hope you will join me and feel free to comment any time you want. Life sure is hard, but it is so much better when we do it together!
In case you want to know a little more about me:
My favorite movie is The Notebook (I know, a hopeless romantic)
I love my kids as much as I mom ever could……but I love a good girls night out!
I am absolutely terrified of jellyfish
My favorite thing to do is napping……it’s a hobby
My favorite color is pink
I am a serious victim of advertising. If it’s sparkly and pretty….I probably need it.
My favorite food is Japanese Hibachi (ymmmmmm)
My favorite TV shows are Friends (who doesn’t like them?), Shark Tank (mean I know), and How to Train Your Dragon (I know it’s a kids show…just being honest)
Favorite Netflix binge – Breaking Bad and Gotham (seriously when are they going to put the next one up?)
My favorite Bible verse……honestly I can’t pick just one
Favorite Bible character is Shammah (2 Samuel 23)
Dream vacation is Bora Bora or Fiji (one of those bungalows surrounded by water)
My favorite actor is Julia Roberts
Biggest pet peeve is when people are late (and yes, I am married to a procrastinator)
Favorite author is Angela Thomas
Best piece of advice I have been given – “remember who you are and who’s you are!” by my daddy
Best piece of advice to give – just love…….