Many of you already know, but for those that haven’t heard yet, I am in the process of publishing my first book. It is a small Christmas devotional for moms that is based mostly off of my Christmas blog posts. I am really excited about it. I am also starting on a second book that will be for moms as well. As we made the final decision to publish this past week and were going through all the paperwork I was just amazed at how God has worked in my life over the last few years.
Probably about 3 years ago I told Matt, and I think even my mom, that I felt like I wanted to write a book. This was comical because……well…..I am not a writer. And at that point I had zero idea of what I would write a book about. It was a random and weird thought of writing a book. Since I am not a writer, and I had no idea what I would even write a book about, I just shoved the idea to the back and went about life. Several times since then the thought has popped up, but again what would I have to write about? I remember as a kid I tried many times to write a story book. I would sit in my room with a notebook and paper and think up some story line and start writing. I am sure about a page and a half into and gave up from writer’s cramp in my hand.
I have always been involved in church and in some type of serving and ministry within the church for as long as I can remember. But about a year ago (ish) I really felt God starting to stir and work in my life in so many ways. I came to realize that God was calling me into ministry to women. I was, and am, quite confident in this calling. But I wasn’t sure what that looked like. We move every few years. How could God use me in ministry when we are constantly moving? What would this ministry look like? So I just began to pray. And try to be patient……I am not very good at being patient. Over the last couple months I believe that God is uncovering the mystery of this calling to me. I think it looks like writing. I do not really know that the writing is for anyone other than just me and God. I don’t know that any one person will actually buy a book that I write, and I am totally okay with that. It isn’t about being known or making money, it’s about obeying a call. It’s about doing what I can to make Him famous.
So what will I write about? My plan is to just write from my heart. To share the lessons I am learning and the struggles that I have. I am in no way an expert in being a wife or mom, or even a Christian for that matter. What I do know is that I am lavishly loved by an incredible God. I am learning each day through my mistakes and through my stumbles how to draw closer to Him, and only through that am I learning to be a better mom.
I ask that you would remember me in your prayers, as I remember you in mine. I would love for you to be a part of this journey with me! If there is anything I have learned through this process so far, it is that you never know how God will use you, and it isn’t usually how you think He will. Be willing to go where He leads and do as He instructs. His plans are so much greater than ours and He is able to do anything through us when we open ourselves up to be vessels of Him.

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May God grease your tracks Jennifer and may the “peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus ” Philippians 4:7
Thanks Larry! I appreciate the prayers and encouragement very much
There is great peace in following God’s call. I will be praying for you. God has set you on an exciting path. I know I can’t wait to buy a book with all of your Christmas lessons in it.
Thank you so much Amy!