I am so excited to share with you a wonderful gem of a book and an even lovelier woman of God. In her book Mommy Has Wrinkles, Adrienne Terrebonne brings us thirty four devotionals for worn out mommas! As you read through the first page you are instantly transported into her world, or if you are like me you think she might be watching your world. My favorite thing about Adrienne in this book is her awesome sense of humor and her transparency. She says it like it is and isn’t afraid to say what most of us are thinking anyway. She had me literally laughing out loud with her stories and with the next page turn I could instantly relate to the lesson God was teaching her . . . and the one He is teaching me. After reading her book, I feel like Adrienne and I are true sisters in this journey of motherhood. Finally, someone else knows both my pain and my joy and doesn’t judge me for having both feelings in the same moment. If you are a mom this devo is a must have. You will read it over and over again and laugh every time! Check out my interview with her below and make sure to check out her blog and book as well.
Interview with Adrienne Terrebonne:
Please give a short blurb of your book.
I published Mommy Has Crinkles as a devotional, and I wrote it out of my own experiences and frustrations of being a mom. Motherhood is an incredible adventure filled with love, sacrifice, and joy. But it can be demanding, leaving us physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. This book is designed to meet moms where they are and encourage them in the daily routines of life.
How long did it take you to write the book?
Mommy Has Crinkles is a compilation of several posts taken from my blog. I reorganized the posts to fit a devotional format, which took about a month, but the actual essays are from the past three years.
What was your favorite chapter or part of the book to write and why?
I don’t know if I have a favorite, but Chapter 2 sort of gives a little background as to why the book is titled Mommy Has Crinkles. The chapter centers around an event from several years ago when my then six-year old daughter asked me why I had crinkles around my eyes. She sort of jolted me into a reality that I didn’t want to accept! Chapter 4, “Even In The Dark” has also been a favorite among readers.
What was your biggest challenge or hurdle in writing and publishing your book?
I have always wanted to write books. A few months before I turned forty, I decided it was “now or never” so I got started and put together this compilation as my first book. I would say my biggest hurdle was my inexperience. Not knowing exactly how to get started and where to go for advice. I love the control that you have when you self-publish but for any future writing projects, I would love to use an actual publisher. This was a fun project for me, though, and I hope you enjoy reading the book.
What is the one thing you hope your readers will walk away with after reading your book?
My hope is for the readers to understand that they are not alone in this difficult journey called motherhood. I have a heart for young moms. I want to help them learn to love Jesus and see Him at work in the everyday trenches of raising their children.
If you could go back through the writing, publishing, and marketing experience would you do anything differently?
For me, this book was both therapeutic, and hopefully, encouraging to other moms. As I mentioned previously, for any future books, I hope to find a publisher and editor to help fine-tune my ideas and the details of my writing. I would also love to employ some different marketing techniques such as book launches and book signings at local bookstores.
Do you have any suggestions to help others become better writers? If so, what are they?
My main advice to other writers is to keep writing. It’s been said that writers don’t even find their own voice until they have written 100,000 words. That’s a lot of writing! So keep at it, even when you don’t want to. Also, find other writers and encourage each other. Guest blog whenever you have opportunities. Joining Compel (a division of Proverbs 31 Ministries which encourages and trains writers) was huge for me. I have learned so much through their teaching and coaching podcasts. If you feel the Lord has laid it upon your heart to write, don’t stop. Keep writing.
What other writers/books inspire you?
I am inspired by any author who is authentic. Some of my favorites are Jen Hatmaker, Kristen Welch, and Lysa Terkeust, and my favorite Bible teacher is Beth Moore. One of my favorite fiction writers is Liane Moriarty. I enjoy her writing because it is honest and there always seems to be an unexpected twist. I love biographies, fiction, nonfiction; I will read just about anything!
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I think I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I remember writing books for my mom when I was about eight years old. As I grew up, I was that student who couldn’t wait to write research papers. I know. Weird, right? I have a Master’s Degree in Speech/Language Pathology and worked as a speech therapist for several years before taking some time off to raise my children. A few years ago, I began writing a blog as a means to process all that the Lord was teaching me, and my writing has developed from that.
What do you like to do when you are not writing?
When I’m not writing, I am usually just being a mom – playing with my three children and shuttling them to all the places they need to go. I love to sing and play the piano, and I sort of like to exercise. (It’s a necessary evil.) At the end of the day, you can usually find me curled up on the couch with a good book or watching a favorite TV show.
What is your favorite quote and/or Bible verse?
I read a book several years ago called Wrapped in Rain by Charles Martin. The main character said something that has really stuck with me: “God loves me so much that He actually took the time to dream me up.” I think this is a perfect reminder of how God sees us.
I have lots of favorite Bible verses. I like to choose a verse each year as a sort of mantra for our family. The verse for 2016 is all about joy because we need some joy in the midst of our daily grind. The verse is Acts 13:52 – “And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Most definitely chocolate! I gave up sugar for Lent, which hasn’t been as difficult as I thought it would be. But I do miss my daily dose of chocolate!
Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?
It’s so funny that you should ask this question. One of my goals for 2016 was to make my bed every day. That seems like a really sad goal, doesn’t it? I don’t usually make it a practice to make my bed but I’m working on it!
Is there anything you want to say to your readers?
I would love to encourage my readers to rest in Christ. Life gets busy, especially when you have small children. It is easy to get distracted and forget to spend time with the Lord. Take time each morning to read His Word and give your concerns to Him. He can handle it.
Where can we buy your book?
You can purchase a hard copy of my book or the kindle version through Amazon at this link:
Where can we connect with you? (social media, email, blog, ect)
You can subscribe to my blog to receive weekly updates from me at Blessed Beyond Exhaustion. I would also love to connect with you on my Facebook page, Blessed Beyond Exhaustion.
Thank you so much, Adrienne, for taking the time to chat with us. I loved getting to know you better and wish you all the success with your book. Thank you for the blessing your book was to me!

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Beautiful interview! Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed week.
You are quite welcome. She was a joy to get to know better. Same to you Carolina! 🙂