My good friend Leah has just launched a new podcast that I know you will love! Leah is a momma and marriage blogger who has spoken a lot of truth and encouragement into my life. She has a huge heart for families and Jesus! Just our kind of gal right?
I am honored to be helping her launch this new podcast and even more excited to give you the opportunity to win some great prizes – to include a signed copy of A Gospel Christmas of course.
The Life Around the Coffee Cup Podcast is Here!
Each episode of the podcast is meant to encourage you to see the magic in the mess of life and to use your gifts in your families and communities. This isn’t about platforms. It’s about showing up for the people God’s given you and loving them well. We’ll talk about all kinds of normal life things – just like we’re sitting together, having a cup of coffee.
Want to know more about A Gospel Christmas? Click here to read what it’s all about and get your FREE How-To guide to go along with the book!

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