Before my eyes have adjusted to the light of 6 am, I hear the not so little voice of our 3 year old, “Where’s my juice cup!” It’s a statement, not a question by the way.
I’m hungry. Play with me. I’m bored. He hit me. I don’t like spaghetti. I hate this show. I love spaghetti. I don’t need a nap. Mom. Mom. MOOOOOM!!!!
Can you hear these voices? If so, you must be a mommy too! And while I love our three little boys with more than I knew my heart could hold, I am so tired.
The blog world is overflowing with articles and posts on how to be the perfect “Pinterest mom”. Everywhere I turn it seems like that put together mom is stalking me with her perfectly done makeup and hair. I am sure she lost all of her baby weight before she left the hospital and what? What is a c-section pouch? She has no idea.
Her children’s clothes all match, no stains in tow. And they all walk quietly in a line behind her like a bunch of little ducklings. You know this mom right? Well, I don’t even know what to say to her. I don’t hate her. I used to be jealous of her, but not anymore.
You see, God has been teaching me something in the midst of this mayhem we call motherhood. . . .
Keep reading at Meredith’s blog

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Jennifer you are indeed a gifted writer. Thank you for the reminder that we need to be playing for an audience of one!
Off to subscribe now.
Awe thank you Rosette! And thank you for subscribing as well 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!