I ran across a CS Lewis quote this evening that said
It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.
Wow did I need to read that today and be reminded that I am not alone here on this world. There is no need for me to try and carry every thing myself. To be honest the first visual that popped in my head was grocery day. Yall know you do it too so don’t judge! It’s about to start raining, the 3 kids are starving for lunch, and if I carry 12 bags on each arm and my purse by my teeth I will only have to make one trip. Usually when I do this I wind up running into stuff in the over stuffed garage on the way in and making a bigger mess than I started out with. Plus I forget to close the back van door and don’t realize it until it’s time to go to karate lessons that evening and I have a dead battery. Please don’t tell me I’m the only one?
I have been having some cardiac issues over the last month that have been a bit consuming on my body and mind. We don’t think it is life threatening but perhaps life altering. I am thankful for that. As of right now I am wearing this awful heart monitor at home. I have had it on for 2 days out of the 2 weeks I have to wear it and I already want to rip it off. My skin is red and itchy from the adhesive. It just adds to the frustration. I lay here in bed tonight feeling some chest discomfort and a few palpitations and I naturally start to worry.
We all worry about things, even though we know the Bible tells us not to. It’s not that we make light of that commandment, it is that we are human and it is our nature to worry. Especially as mom’s. I not only worry about my heart issues but that leads to worrying about my kids and my husband, and what if something happens to me, who will clean the sippy cups and make sure Ian gets his proper medicines? As moms, when we have one small problem it so easily snowballs into this huge load of worry because honestly, we do a lot for the people around us. Most often they don’t even have a clue how much we do! I think sometimes others see our outlandish worry as crazy, but I see it as love. We love and care for our families and that is why when we start to go down we begin to think not of ourselves, but of how this will or could impact those we care for.
What we have to remember, what I have to remember, is that if I am taking on all of this “care” or worry it will break me. It will. I dont think it is bad that I love my family and want to be prepared for them in the case of my absence, but I absolutely must come to the place of remembering that God is capable of caring for them immeasurably better than I am. I do not need to carry that burden by myself. Not only do I have the most high God that will gladly help me but I also have my community of believers and friends that will share the burden with me if I will just allow. I have to allow it though. I have to make the conscious decision that I refuse to let my circumstances beat me down. My God can handle them all. And He tells us that we just need to leave them at His feet and trust that He’s got this. He’s got me. And He’s got you too.
Psalms 55 says
Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken.
Do you feel shaken tonight? Breaking down under the weight of your heavy load? Whether it is illness, relationships, marriage, children, school, work, or all of the above…..God says give it here to Me! He will sustain you and you will not be shaken! There is such power in this my friends. Grasp it and claim it. It is written for you. It is the truth of who God truly is. Don’t break under the loads of this life. You don’t have to reach to God and reach to your community. If you don’t have a Christian community you have one here in me! We are meant to share the heavy load so that it does not overtake any one of us. We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!
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