I am happy to have Lisa Murray with us this morning. She is an author and counselor and just a beautiful woman inside and out! She has an amazing ministry to families and her words have touched my heart and life in some unexpected ways. Whether you have a past of hardships and scars or are just searching for the peace that Christ brings, this book has it all. She unlocks the door to emotional abundance with practical tips and real life stories from her own life and others. I encourage you to connect with her in some way, read her blog, and pick up a copy of this book! You will be blessed just as I have been.
In her new book, Peace for a Lifetime, Lisa Murray shares the keys to cultivating a life that’s deeply rooted, overflowing, and abundant, the fruit of which is peace. Through personal and professional experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Lisa discovered how to take the broken pieces of life and find indestructible peace with herself, God and with others. Through Lisa and other’s stories you’ll realize that you can experience the life for which you long. You can experience abundance beyond anything you can imagine. You can experience peace, not just for today, not just for tomorrow. You can experience peace —for a lifetime!
How long did it take you to write the book?
It took me 3 years to write the complete manuscript. In addition to family responsibilities, I have a family business as well as my counseling practice, so time is very limited. I had to carve out little bits of time where I could find them and keep my focus on simply being faithful to what I felt God was calling me to do.
What is your favorite part of the book?
My favorite parts of the book to write were the client stories. While they are composite stories collected from many clients’ stories to protect client confidentiality, it was exciting to reflect back through case notes and see the healing and growth from other individual’s journeys. Many readers noted that this was their favorite part of the book because they could see all of the principles described in the book applied to real life.
What was your biggest hurdle in writing and publishing the book?
The biggest hurdle was the huge learning curve associated with platform, social media, and marketing for the book. Writing is easy – the rest was the greatest challenge, but eventually became one of my greatest joys. I now love writing for my blog. I now love connecting with my community and learning to serve them well.
What do you want your readers to walk away with?
My greatest hope that readers will take away from this book is a sense of hope that peace is possible. Sometimes emotional health can seem overwhelming and out of reach, especially because of our families and histories. Yet, anyone anywhere can cultivate simple, practical life steps that can have a huge impact on the amount of satisfaction and peace they can experience in their lives and relationships.
What advice can you give to aspiring writers?
Read a lot. I’ve always loved to read. I love how words feel, how they sound as I hear them in my head. When you find someone’s work you love, dig into it to understand what it is you love. What kind of sentence structure do they use? How is their work structured? Begin to use some of their techniques in your own writing. Also, the structure of the book is vital. I am very analytical in my thinking, so having a solid and detailed outline is a must. Whether you write a simple outline or a very detailed, thorough outline, you want material that will be easy for readers to understand and follow.
What writers inspire you?
My four favorites in order are Henri Nouwen, Brennan Manning, Brene Brown, and Alicia Britt Chole. They inspire the deepest parts of my soul to heal and grow. They cajole and nudge me on this journey toward becoming.
Do you have a favorite quote and/or verse?
…And then the day came when the risk to remain tight, in a bud, became more painful than the risk it took to blossom… — Elizabeth Appell
Psalm 29:11 – God gives strength to His people; He blesses His people with peace.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Definitely chocolate – dark chocolate – 55% – salted, with almonds
Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?
I always make the bed. I’m usually very tidy. The only area that is out of control is my purse. My husband will no longer go in there. Honestly, I don’t want to go in there either.
In regards to toilet paper, over or under?
Absolutely over. Period.
Is there anything you want to say to your readers today?
I want my readers to know that God does not want them to remain stuck in their brokenness. He loves us. He wants us to experience hope, wholeness, and harmony. He wants us to know His abundance and yes, His peace. This is the life He has for us. Do not give up. We will walk this journey together.
Where can we buy your book?
My book can be purchased at Amazon or Barnes & Noble online.
How can we get connected with you?
Website: www.lisamurrayonline.com
Facebook: Lisa Murray, author
Book Trailer: https://vimeo.com/155392891

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Hi Jennifer! Thanks for sharing this interview with Lisa. Great questions! It definitely gives us insight not only into her book, but also her sweet spirit:) Love the message of her book, as well. Peace – something we all desire. And something only our loving, heavenly Father can give. God is wonderful. Oh, and I am your neighbor this week at Dance With Jesus!
Hi Kristine! Thanks for stopping in. Yes, He is so wonderful! Have a great week!
So glad to have you stop by as well. Yes, the truest peace comes from our Heavenly Father. What a great gift to discover! Blessings!
The book sounds wonderful and I cant wait to read it. I just love the quote about when the day came that “remaining in the bud became more painful than the risk to blossom…” such a lovely metaphor
Lisa’s book just jumped up on my reading list. Have a great day
Hi Jade! You will LOVE it! I plan to read it a second time 🙂 And I love that quote! So powerful! Thanks for stopping in and I hope you have a wonderful week!
The Elizabeth Appell quote has always been one of my favorites, it is such a beautiful picture. Happy to have you stop by today!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful interview.
It sounds like her new book is full of wonderful insights and helps to live the abundant life that the Lord desires for us in the peace we can only receive through Him.
Hi Karen. It truly is such a great read! I hope it will make your reading list 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week!
I’m so glad you stopped by today! Many people have stopped living abundantly because they believe that kind of life isn’t possible. My hope is to encourage us that this is the life God desires for us and we can be equipped to experience abundance in Him. That is the greatest peace you can imagine. Blessings to you, friend!
Jen, what a great interview! I’ve been reading Lisa’s words for quite a while, but it was enlightening to read her answers to your great questions!