The Glorious Ordinary by Sarah Fraizer is truly a gem of a book! Almost as much of a treasure as Sarah herself. I loved how relatable this book was and thoroughly enjoyed the reminders and lessons to take life one moment at time. The study was perfect for us busy moms and encouraged me to know I could have a beautiful relationship with God even in the ordinary and chaotic moments of my life. I know you will love meeting Sarah just as much as I have! So here she is . . .
Maybe you are struggling with adoption. Infertility. Cancer. Chronic pain. Job loss. Grief. Loneliness. Marriage. Don’t wait for a season of normal—look for peace today. I have been the waiting woman. A life in limbo is filled with ups and downs and lots of hidden anxiety.
Do you find yourself in a new sense of normal?
I’ve also lived a year of unexpected hard things. It was a year of change and struggle. I’ve messed up, and the dark places of my heart have come to light. I’ve had to confess a lot of mistakes. But God is even in the darkness.
This book is about walking one day at a time. Even though walking is so ordinary, don’t get discouraged. I ask you to walk through whatever circumstance you are facing one day at a time with me. A nine-week Bible study focusing on living one day at a time.
What was your favorite chapter or part of the book to write and why?
Most of the book was hard to write because it came from a lot of pain. It was a pouring out after a year of struggle, hurt and loneliness. The message of: we are not alone, and God is found in His word was what kept me writing. My absolute favorite part is the Bible study. I loved digging into scripture and discovering new truths everyday.
Do you have any suggestions to help others become better writers? If so, what are they?
It is super cliche, but WRITE! I would say keep writing, even when its bad. You may never use those words, or they may change over time as you edit, but just put them on paper is huge step. Another great suggestion is to join an online writing group. I’m part of two main groups and I love them. One is more blogger-focused, and it is the perfect motivation to keep up with the newest trends. The second is more writer-focused and it is there I find the encouragement and hope to keep going in my writing.
What other writers/books inspire you?
I really loved Stephen King’s novel, “On Writing.” I’ve never read one of his fiction works, but I admired so much of what he said in his memoir on writing. The Hope*Writer’s group also is a great source of inspiration. Some of the people I admire is Arabah Joy, Ruthie Gray, and Rachel Wojo. All three do their blogging and writing with grace and beauty.
Tell us about your family.
I’m married to a wonderful, hard-working guy. Jason and I have been married for over eleven years. He is truly my best friend. Together we have four children. The first three are biological; Jack (8), Titus (6), and Emmalia (4). Our sweet baby is Liana (3). She was adopted two years ago from China. Currently we are waiting to be matched with a little boy in China and hoping to travel this summer. We love to travel, play board games, and watch fun movies. I am also a home-schooling momma.
What do you like to do when you are not writing?
Not a lot of people know I studied classical music in high school and college. I also played in a Jazz band for the first few semesters of college. I love to play the piano and whip out my hymnal or Fur Elise when I have a moment to play. I also like to cross stitch, binge watch Netflix, and read. Right now I’m reading Beth Moore’s new novel, and its pretty good. I also love to read old books and I’m going through Oswald Chamber’s book My Utmost for His Highest again this year.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I think secretly I wanted to be a writer, but didn’t know what that meant. I always wanted to be a teacher. I loved bossing people around, and it seemed like a good fit. I also wanted to be a missionary. The idea of far off places was also so appealing to me. I pictured myself living in the mountains of China or Peru.
What is your favorite quote and/or Bible verse?
Over the years I’ve had lots of Bible verses, but this year God has given me Psalm 23. I read the book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 and realized I need to live more like a sheep and let God be my Shepherd. I love verse three: “He leads me beside still waters. He restore my soul.” I’m in place where I’m looking for restoration from the Lord in 2017.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate all the way!
Where is your favorite or dream vacation spot?
Jason and I honeymooned in Aruba and I would love to go back, kids optional.
Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?
Oh I make my bed! I actually wrote about this on Instagram the other day. I feel like I can’t start my day unless my bed is made. The neatness always clears my mind.
Is there anything you want to say to your readers?
My prayer is after you’ve come to my space or read my book you feel encouraged enough to live your life in strength, courage, love, and grace found in Christ. I am not the answer to finding what you are looking for. I am here to point you to the place you can find everything you need. The place is God’s Word. I hope to make it as easy and stress-free as possible to find Him!
You can purchase The Glorious Ordinary book on Amazon or Kindle. You can also purchase an autographed copy (with a special note from me) here. It just doesn’t ship as fast!
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