The gospel changes everything
The turning point in history
And even now it’s changing me
From who I was
The story of my Savior calls
Me to the wonder of the cross
The gospel changes everything
And it is changing me
You saved my soul
By Your blood
And I’m undone
By Your great love
You made a way
So I could come
Just as I am
To You my God
Jesus changes everything
There is no greater mystery
That God would come to rescue me
From who I was
You made a way
So I could come
Just as I am
To You my God
The gospel changes everything. And it is changing me.
I get to do something pretty special for the first time this week. Tomorrow we head out with our boys for our first family mission trip. We are honored to be able to join together with Rick and Margaret Brown, and their ministry Lost Lives Matter. These two individuals have a heart and dedication to God like no one else I have ever know. Best of all, I get to call them my parents.
As missionaries with the North American Mission Board, they set out last year with a vision to bring the true gospel back to the heart and soul of churches everywhere. Their primary mission field right now is the Northern Appalachia areas of WV, MD, PA, and VA. An area in great need of many things, but most importantly, a need for Jesus.
This post isn’t really intended to be about them. It’s more about what their journey has, and is, teaching me. It has brought my heart back to the core of what our mission truly is.
To “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation“. (Mark 16:15)
To be able to say, “For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. ” (1 Cor. 9:19)
To teach my children who Jesus is, not just for them but so they might show others what they have learned.
To know that, “There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15:7)
The gospel changes everything. And it is changing me.
What I love about this beautiful song, from my very favorite artist Meredith Andrews, is that it isn’t a one time change. Yes, salvation changed me on the spot. I was made a new creation by the blood of my Savior. But the gospel isn’t dead. I think sometimes we forget that. The gospel is alive and with each breath I breathe it should be changing me from who I was 5 seconds ago, to who I am right now. I can never get enough of Jesus. He should always be changing me, molding me into who He created me to be. There should never be an idle moment of growth for a Christian serving their King. For even in the resting, there is much growth.
I don’t have grand words of wisdom or profound insights to share today. My heart is heavy tonight. So I will leave you with one question:
The gospel changes everything. Is it changing you from who you were, to who God calls you to be? If not . . . why?
To learn more about the impactful ministry of Lost Lives Matter and the Brown’s check out their website at or visit them on Facebook at They need our prayer and financial support to survive in this mission field and impact the Kingdom in an effective and loving way. You can also contact them directly at 304-844-6569 or Just tell them their favorite daughter sent you!
Please be in prayer for our mission team as we head up to Maryland this weekend. Pray that God would move in those mountains and lives would be changed.
This post is linked up with the #JesusandCoffee weekly linkup. Please feel free to join with your latest post. The topic for the month of August is open.

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Lord, go with the Browns as they follow you in service. Bless this precious couple as they show their children by example how important the great commission is. Use them mightily. Let their light shine so brightly that men may see their good works and follow you. In Jesus name, Amen
Thank you!
Prayers for you and your family as you head out to be the hands and feet of our Savior. After all, we were lost … and He stepped down from Heaven to give us the Good News! Praise God!
Amen! Thank you!
Looove Meredith Andrews! I get to lead one of her songs tomorrow at church. Prayers for all of you! I’m not too far from there (northern Va).
That is awesome! And thank you!