Dear Sweet Mama,
As you are sitting in front of your computer, or your phone in your hand, a baby in your lap squirming, drool trickling down on your arm, a toddler on your leg swinging your chair back and forth while sucking on a sippy cup, another on the couch begging to watch one more TV show, a grade-schooler begging to play one more game on the iPad, a middle-schooler standing in front of an open fridge repeating over and over, “I’m hungry.” A teenager leisurely strolling through the house telling you there is no food in the house. Even though the pantry is full.
Oh, my lovely mama that sink full of dishes can wait, that blog or email can wait, those emails you need to return can wait.
Be in this moment of life with your kids. This is the most important call on your life. You are raising the next generation. The next generation of leaders, managers, doctors, lawyers, customer service representatives, coffee house barista, janitors, secretaries, wives, husbands, friends, loves of the world. This is the time to love, love them with all your might!
Frustration and tiredness will be there until you find they are all gone from the nest and you have hours and hours to spend in ‘me’ time wondering where did the time go?
When did they grow up?
What happened to all the noise and smells?
They will return. They will sleep on your couch covered in a family blanket with a pillow over their head, after dumping the car full of dirty laundry. Laundry has piled up over the first 2 ½ months of the semester in their dorm and is now in the middle of your living room floor. They will come home with the smells and the noise and the complaints of severe hunger and wonder why there is no food in the house.
These moments will be fleeting too. You will love them being home and love when they leave to only find yourself sad again that time has flown.
As for now. Sit. Sit in the middle of the floor with your three-day dirty hair piled on top of your hair. Sit in the middle of the room with the two-day old drool and spit-up, stained t-shirt while you roll the truck through the squiggly pattern on your rug. Build a fort with every blanket you own, and leave it there for a week. Grab a book and read to your toddler while they squirm and wiggle.
Oh, dear sweet mama. You will want to go back. You will want to snuggle and squiggle and roll around on the floor. You will want that three-day-old dirty hair because the importance of that time with your babies is precious. You will want the dishes piled up in the sink because you read a book with your toddler.
You will miss these days. You will look longingly back on the development of today’s adults. Love. Love them with all your might!
I love you. God loves you. Ultimately He loves those kids even more than you.
You have been chosen to be their mommy.
This post is a feature of Turn the Mic Tuesdays and we are honored to introduce you to our guest this week, Billie Jauss!
Billie is a Jesus-loving and outgoing Southern girl by birth. I spend my time writing, speaking, watching baseball games and sitting on the beach. I am real and transparent. I’ve had hurts and hang-ups and am relying on Jesus every day to carry me through. I am embracing the immeasurably more that God desires in my life and my marriage. Connect with Billie via:

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This is a very timely message. I have a daughter who is a single parent of a very active one year old. Today is a day of massive frustration, fatigue and anxiety for her. I will pass this blog on. Maybe she will find encouragement from your words. Bless you!
Thank you Billie! I will keep her, and your family, in my prayers